Sunday, March 6, 2011

Super Sunday

So, today is super Sunday. It's the last Parade Committee meeting before the big day. My favorite day of the year. Parade Day. I enjoy listening the sounds of bagpipes and firetrucks and drunk people. Since I include people-watching as one of my favorite hobbies, this day is prime for me. So many people. So many different people. So many weird people. So many normal people. So many drunk people. So many Irish people. I don't understand why anyone would not want to head to Scranton for the biggest day of the year. Besides the nice people you meet, there are clown and the Pixie Chicks and the Black Diamond bagpipers and Homer the nutty plumber and funny hats and shamrock suntans from the stickers you put on your face. I actually don't know if the Pixie Chicks still participate in the parade. This year, since it's the 50th anniversary, I get to go to a big breakfast and all that jazz. Definetly looking forward to it. But then again, when is anyone not looking forward to Parade Day?

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