Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Live from New York, It's Saturdaaay Niiightt!

My ultimate goal in life is to be on Saturday Night Live. I enjoy making people laugh, even if it is at my own expense. I realized that in second grade. I had a nice singing solo in the school play, but on that day, at recess, I literally ran into a pole and chipped my two front teeth. When I went to the nurse, she said, “So, you tripped and fell into the pole,” like she didn’t believe someone would actually run into a pole and chip, not one, but TWO teeth on the day of the school play. I knew when I didn’t feel embarrassed and rather got a laugh out of this situation that I could be cut out for a life in comedy.

I was inspired to post this after watching Betty White's Birthday Bash on NBC. She is one of the great comediennes of our time and I greatly respect her. Happy 90th Birthday, Betty White.