Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mattress King

I ponder many things in life. What is the meaning of life? What is beyond space? What was before the beginning of time? What is nothing? Why did the cowboys get kicked off The Amazing Race? But the one that puzzles me the most is, why are there so many mattress stores? I feel like every where I go there are tons of mattress stores. At the Shoppes at Montage alone there are at least two mattress stores, unless another has popped up since I've been there last. Yesterday I was in King of Prussia and in a mile stretch there were three mattress stores. Are people really buying that many mattresses? Do they make disposable mattresses like my disposable cameras? I've never heard of anyone using a mattress once and then throwing it away. I don't see piles of mattresses on the bottom of people's driveways on garbage days. I suppose if you had bed bugs, sure get rid of your mattresses. But, how many people really have bed bugs? How many people even buy a new mattress every year? This puzzles the crap out of me. Every where I look I see a Sleepy's or a Mattress World or a Mattress King. How do they stay in business? If someone has an answer I would love to know. If these stores are making an enormous profit somehow, maybe I'll open one. And a Cheesecake Factory. We need one of those around here.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. . . . .
    how long does a tempurpedic mattress last
