Sunday, September 9, 2012

Everyday is a Family Reunion

Every summer, quite a number of my friends always mention that they have to go to family reunions. And every year I think,"Why doesn't my family ever have a reunion?" And then I realized, every day in my house is a family reunion. My family is like the Barones in Everybody Loves Raymond. And my house is like Grand Central Station. The cousins are all here swimming the pool. The aunts and uncles are watching TV or playing cards. The grandparents stop by to tell us everything about everyone and talk about television and give us life advice. I rarely go a day without seeing a member of my extended family. We play giant games of knockout in the driveway. We have family relay races in the pool. We all sit around the TV to watch Notre Dame football. We all yell at the TV while watching Notre Dame football. We sit around talking about the time Nana Nealon mixed up the mashed potatoes and the alfredo sauce on Christmas Eve, and that time Grandpa Iacovazzi pushed the lawn mower all around the yard only to realize he forgot to put the blades down, and that time cousin Sean was talking to the lunch lady in his sleep. This could go on forever. Ray Barone sees his parents and his brother every day and they just waltz right in to his house, just like I just waltz right in to my grandparents houses and eat all their ham and ice cream. (Not together...although...nope never mind, that wouldn't taste good.) And you know what, I enjoy it. All my friends that are forced to go to family reunions obviously don't have the family I do. They can't sit around and talk about how their Grandpa played a guy named Oogie Pringle in a high school play, or how their Aunt Janet gave cousin Alex a birthday card which read "For you graduation..." All families must be dull in comparison to mine. I can't believe we don't have our own TV show yet.

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