Monday, July 16, 2012

Who Run the World? GIRLS!

          I know I've been quiet lately, but I haven't really been inspired enough the last few weeks. Well, tonight, after catching the premiere of Political Animals, I have definitely been inspired. Not just inspired to write, but inspired to take over the world. That would actually be scary, I don't think you all would want me to rule the world, but Beyonce says girls run the world and this show definitely goes along those lines. Sigourney Weaver plays a former first lady, Elaine Barrish whose marriage is in shambles and she loses her bid for President and ultimately becomes secretary of state. Sound familiar? Well, this story adds some twists and turns to that of the Clintons and makes for some good television. The best part is that it adds strong female characters to television. It's so unbelievably refreshing. I just read this article from the Baltimore Sun which essentially talks about the girl power of this show and how television kind of makes things possible. It cites VP Joe Biden talking about Will and Grace as a break through for support for gay marriage.  "If not opening minds, TV does at least allow viewers to safely imagine new possibilities and become emotionally engaged in how the new order plays out on screen."     Here I go with how fantastic television is and a lot of people probably disagree, but I don't care. I love it. And hopefully, Political Animals will have an effect on society and help create a path for women, not just in politics, but in every field. Of course, we do need some women to step up to the plate. Maybe I'll run for president someday. Or maybe that's just another scary thought. We'll see how life goes.