Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Oprah Effect

I never really thought about it before, but Oprah is definitely the most powerful person in the world. She has been on the air for several decades, therefore, has touched the lives of many women...and men. She now has her very OWN (pun intended) television station. She's had her own magazine, which she is always on the cover of. She comes across as a normal woman with the same struggles and every day people, she just has billions of dollars more than the rest of us. But, when you think about it, she influences the every day lives of these people. She tells them to read a book, it becomes a best seller. She tells them to buy KFC's grilled chicken, they run out of chicken. My sister was in the car with her friend and her mother one day and the mom's phone rang and she said, "Answer that, I promised Oprah I wouldn't." It's incredible. She is like a God to some people. I am surprised that there is no Oprah religion. Who knows? Maybe there is and I just don't know about it. I guess it's good that it's Oprah that has this effect, and not, say, Lindsay Lohan, but it is still a little scary when you think about it.

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