Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Funny, I was just driving along today when I noticed a sign in front of a church which read, "It's fall, time to go back to church again!" And I thought, wait a second. Has church become like school? Do I get summers off now? Why was I not aware of this? Does Jesus get three months off? Does God get three months off now? If I pray during the summer do they toss it aside for the fall? Do priests get the summer off? What if I have to get something off my chest? Who do I confess to? What if someone dies? Are they put in a line at the gate of Heaven (or Hell) that reads, "Opens Again in the Fall?"I bet they still run the collection baskets during the summer months. Where do these churches even get money to stay open? I'm sure giving them a dollar a week doesn't help much. Especially if they're off in the summer. Does faith now take a holiday? Is it unholy to be holy in the summer?  Do they stop printing the Bible during summer months? Should I not open the Bible during the summer? Where would I find a Bible in my house? Should I be at all concerned that God is not working in the summer? How come I have not seen this advertised at other churches? Wouldn't this be in the church bulletin? You would think it would be the headline : GOD TAKES SUMMER OFF : Church Will Follow. Maybe that's why there were so many disasters this year. God took some time off. Is the world really ending? Could December 22, 2012 really be the end of life as I know it? What would happen to the Earth? Where would all the people go? I hear Heaven is already crowded. What about life on other planets? Would they all die too? Is there life on other planets? I wonder where those planets would be. Does space just go on forever? How could it go on forever? But where would it end? What would be after that? Nothing? How can there be nothing? What is nothing? There couldn't be nothing in place of Earth and us. What was there before us? before Earth? Where did time start? the beginning of time? What is that? How could time just begin? How could it just end? What was before time? Before that? Anyway, if the people upstairs take the summers off, I think everyone should have the summers off. Kind of like, Sundays,  unless you're a nurse or doctor. You have to work weekends, holidays, all that other crap. Which is why I will not be one of those. Plus, I don't really like science. Unless it has to do with marine life.

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