Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Survived the Quake 2011

So, in my modern belief class with Sister Mary Ann, just chilling. Ya know, first day of class stuff. I felt this weird movement from below. FIghting the urge to turn around and yell at the person behind me to stop kicking my seat, I sat there in disgust. Then I realized that I was in the last row and no one was behind me and the building was moving. Everyone started looking around at each other and we were all asking what was going on. It felt like an earthquake. Oh, the irony of my thoughts. Sister Mary Ann didn't even miss a beat, she just kept talking about some long word that begins with an H. A few minutes later the guy next to me puts his phone on  my desk with a message from NBC. An earthquake had hit Virginia. I couldn't contain my excitement. I don't know why I was excited. It was just thrilling and had my adrenaline rushing.   Sister Mary Ann let out of class early and I walked outside and everyone is sitting there yelling and talking on the phone. DID YOU FEEL THE EARTHQUAKE? I couldn't escape this. Every where I went it was earthquake central. Earthquake epicenter. It was the only thing everyone was talking about.
So, on my way home, I stopped in KFC. There was a perfectly lovely African American woman in front of me who was trying to decide what to order. It was taking her a while, but I didn't really care. I survived an earthquake. So, she finishes and steps aside and I pull up to the counter and order my mashed potato bowl and step to the side. I heard the woman say, "Oh man how about that earthquake?" The woman next to her said she didn't feel it, and that's when I jumped in to the convo and told my story. This African American woman just made my day. She let me talk about the earthquake that I had just survived and she just seemed like an awesome person. She then chimes in with her story, (read with big black woman voice) "I was sitting on my bed and it just started movie and I was like, OH MY GOD what's happening? Who's movie my bed? I'm the only one home?" She cracked me up. We talked for a while and voila, I made a new friend in KFC. A fellow earthquake survivor. I'm meeting her next week, same time, same place.  It's nice how tragedies bring people together. However, I wouldn't classify this as a tragedy from my end, but maybe for some people down in Virginia it was. Hope all is well. Anyway, my adrenaline is still rushing and this blog entry is allllll overrr the place, I know. I just had to get these thoughts down and tell someone how this lovely black woman made my day. Come to think of it, I don't know her name... I guess I'll find out when we have lunch next week.

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