Sunday, November 2, 2014

I Think I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder

    So today, it is very cold and windy. I hate cold. I hate wind. I hate winter. I hate darkness. I hate snow. I hate ice. I hate having to start my car to warm it up. I hate coats. I hate gloves. I hate bare trees. I hate scraping the snow off my car. I hate wearing a million layers of clothes. I hate being cold. I hate the salt on the roads. I hate when the salt from the roads gets on my black boots. I hate being outside when it's cold. I hate when I walk outside in the cold and my nose hurts. I hate runny noses. I hate shoveling. I hate when the snow turns brown. I hate the giant piles of snow that take up the parking spaces at the mall. I hate that wintery-white-salt look outside. I hate hand warmers because they do nothing for your fingers. I hate how winter is basically the longest season. I hate January and February. I hate how January and February go on forever. I hate how in January and February, there's nothing to look forward to but summer. I hate that my feet and my hands are always cold. I hate that winter amplifies that whole "I'm always cold" thing. I hate how the sweaters in my closet take up so much room. I hate that I have no room in my closet for all my clothes. I hate that I have to change my clothes by season. I hate when it gets below 70 degrees. I hate that my pool is closed. I hate that the Glen Oak pool is closed. I hate that when I go outside for a break at work, I freeze. I hate that I am currently wearing socks for gloves. I hate typing with socks on my hands. I hate that my steering wheel is too cold to touch. I hate pumping gas when it's cold. I hate that the cold makes my face all red. I hate getting out of my bed when it's cold. I hate sitting on the leather seats when they are cold. I hate walking from class to class in the cold. I hate that there's not a warm shuttle to drive me from class to class in the cold. I hate that I don't see the usual walkers around the neighborhood because it's too cold. I hate that I don't hear that nice sound of a driver hitting a golf ball off a tee because it's too cold. I hate that there's no one at all on the golf course. I hate that the greens are covered in a white sheet-like thing that looks like snow. I hate turtle necks. I hate having so many layers of clothes on that I can't move. I hate hats. I hate how hats mess up my hair. I hate that I could be living somewhere warm but I decided to stay home for school. I hate that when I tell people I want to move somewhere warm, they say it's too far. I hate that people like skiing. I hate how I don't understand why people like skiing. I hate how my toes feel like they are going to fall off when I am outside for longer than 30 seconds. I hate how I don't understand why some people like winter. I hate that people like winter. I hate how "winter" just sounds like an evil word. I hate when people disagree with me on how awful winter is.
I hate that I hate the cold.
I hate that winter makes me a negative person.
WebMD says this is called "Seasonal Affective Disorder." (SAD) (how ironic)
I'm SAD that it's winter and it can't always be summer. Summer - when it's warm, and there's not a big green cover over my pool, and I can hear the sweet sound of golfers and I can not wear pants.

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